Tuesday, July 21, 2015

About our Pork

Cristo Rey Farms
Ed and KC Schnitker
22395 Newtowne Neck Rd., Leonardtown, MD 20650
About our Pork

Pastured piggys
Our pork is produced free-ranging on pasture using managed rotational grazing which means we move them every few weeks to new areas where they can graze, root, and eat fresh grass, leaves, clover and other forages

They are outside in large paddocks in small groups with fresh air and sunshine.  They are not crowded or stressed or kept on concrete in confinement.

We supplement their foraging with non-gmo grains and minerals, organic produce, acorns and eggs.

We do not use any chemicals, antibiotics or hormones.

One of our “Piggerated” paddocks

Pigs have a plow on their faces aka their snout and do an excellent job rooting and digging.  They till, weed, clear brush and clean up crops.  They also produce valuable manure for fields and gardens and turn it all into delicious pork, bacon, sausage, ham, pork chops and much more!

New grass in winter!

New grass growing in piggerated paddock thanks to the pigs…in winter!

We use solar charged electric fences to define our paddocks.  We can quickly create new paddocks wherever we need the pigs to work and where we have the best forage.  This method is ecologically and environmentally enhancing and is not only sustainable but regenerative as can be seen here!

$100 deposit-whole hog
$50 deposit – half or quarter
Whole Pigs:
The price for a whole pig is $3.50/lb based on final hanging weight at the butcher after slaughter. A typical pig hangs at 180 lbs so the pig cost is typically $630 or so. The slaughter is $35 and the butchering (cutting & packaging) is $.70/lb. 
Smoking/Curing (additional time/processing so additional costs):
Sausage (seasoned, ground, and wrapped)……………………………... $0.50/lb
Sausage links (In natural casings-sausage is not vacuum sealed…. $1.00/lb.
Bacon (smoked/sugar cured)............................$15 each
Hams (smoked/sugar cured)............................$15 with processed hog
Country ham.....................................................$4.50/lb (includes slicing)
Other Services:
Vacuum packed................................................$0.20/lb

A whole pig cut up and packaged is about three to four cubic-feet depending on packing in the boxes.
Half Pigs:
The price for a half pig is $4.00/lb based on final hanging weight at the butcher after slaughter. A typical pig hangs at 90 lbs so the pig cost is typically $360 or so. The slaughter is $20 and the butchering (cutting & vacuum packaging) is $.70/lb.  (smoking/curing prices are above).
A half pig packaged (@50-70lbs of meat) is about two cubic-feet depending on packing in the boxes.  A half pig will fit tightly into a large picnic cooler.
Note on Yield:
A 250 lb pig yields a hanging weight of about 180 lbs. Price per pound is based on hanging weight- that is after slaughter and cleaning, head, skin, feet and tail on. This is how animals are sold – by the hot hanging weight after slaughter. Cutting to standard commercial cuts yields about 67% of hanging weight or about 120 lbs of actual cuts. A typical pig ready for processing weighs between 250-280lbs. 

**We recommend finding a friend(s) to share a single whole pig order with – there is a big savings between whole and half pig pricing per pound.
Sudlersville Meat Locker

**Note:  These are last years prices.  It gives an idea of cost.  We are using a USDA butcher this year and will also offer individual cuts.  We will post new prices asap including individual cuts prices.
CSA prices coming soon!

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